Bring Coach Sinn To Your Team Or Organization


Coach Sinn One Day Organization Clinic 

Would your organization like to have Coach Sinn or one of her Staff come out and put on a one-day clinic for your teams? Divide your age levels up and let Coach run them through some drills that you can incorporate into your everyday practice routine.   Each team will learn drills appropriate for their level.

Coaches Clinic

Have Coach Sinn meet with all of the coaches in your organization. Learn some drills they could use at their own practices. Have a question and answer session with Coach.  Learn how to handle certain situations that come up during a normal season. Gain a  different perspective from a Coach who has experience coaching from the grade school to the collegiate level.

Coach Sinn has hosted the Minnesota State High Schools Girls  Coaches Association meetings at St. Thomas sharing her experiences and providing valuable insight to high school coaches throughout the state.

Bring Coach To Your Practice

Coach will run your team through some skills and drills suited for your level. Need help with breaking a press? Maybe your offense isn’t quite right? Coach attends your practice session at your location.


Availability is limited contact Coach Sinn for the cost of the different sessions.